As of 10.4.23 10.7.23: Klamath Community Baby Shower Honoring expecting parents, guardians, and families with youth ages 0-1! Our Independent Living Program Coordinator and McKinney-Vento Liaison will be manning a booth down at the Community Baby shower from 10AM – 1PM 10.7.23: Farmer’s Market Come see our booth as we […]
Taylor Hampton
Looking for a career in youth services? We are looking to hire now for some of the following programs! Mckinney-Vento Case Worker – starting pay is $13.50 Exodus House Street Outreach – Starting pay $14.50 Exodus House Overnight Residential Worker – Starting pay $14.50
Sponsor a friend, family member, or yourself for IYS to come help rake your leaves! IYS will be raking leaves in front yards Saturday, October 8th – Friday, October 14th from 10AM-4PM; donations are not required but highly suggested. The Rake-a-thon sponsors are limited to being within 5 miles of […]
Duration: June 20th – August 26th, Mandatory Training: June 17th Training, 5pm at IYS 115 Main Street Time: 3-4 hours per day @ min. wage for 10 weeks Specific Responsibilities: To set up lunch sites in accordance with USDA regulations. To arrive at lunch site on time and stay until […]
Must be 18+ Years old to apply 180 hours in the program earns student members a half credit in recovery or elective credits. 32/40 hours per week Pay: $15+ Year round Crew position Work2Learn OCC is a leading environmental conservation program dedicated to reducing wildfire risks, preserving natural ecosystems, and […]
Have cans and bottles just taking up room in your garage? IYS can help take care of that for you! Jump start your spring cleaning by letting IYS return your cans for you. March 7th-March 18th, IYS is hosting a Bottle Drop drive fundraiser, and will be collecting bottles and […]
As the Youth Work Crew Leader, you will be expected to lead and work alongside youth on projects. Job Type: Seasonal 32-40 Hr/ Week Pay Rate: 15+/Hr This position is for year-round crews BASIC RESPONSIBILITIES QUALIFICATIONS To apply, please bring full resume and cover letter to 115 North 10th Street, […]
Be our valentine this February! Purchase paper hearts for $1 and we will show the support by hanging them in our window. Sales go until February 28th. Hearts were created and designed by Eagle Ridge High School students
IYS is hosting a virtual rummage sale from February 22nd-28th All items are located at the main office at 115 North 10th Street and can be picked up from 8 AM – 5 PM
8/12/21 Imagine having to worry about when your next meal will be or not knowing what you can feed your children for dinner. Unfortunately, that is the reality many of our neighbors face every day. At Integral Youth Services we work to help find solutions for those in our community […]