Bringing Mobile Resources to you

The Mobile Hub is designed to bring resources out to McKinney-Vento families and youth living in the rural towns of Klamath County. This includes materials from partnering organizations in town, as well as bringing other IYS program aids out into rural communities. 

This program is intended to engage with youth in exercise activities as well as provide to their families in need. 

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and is in partnership with local community organizations including Klamath and Lake Food Bank and Cascade Health Alliance

Is Your Housing Uncertain?

Are you living…

  • with relatives, friends, or others because of economic hardship?
  • In a shelter, tent, RV, or on the streets?
  • In a motel or hotel because you have nowhere else to go?
  • In inadequate housing?

Then McKinney-Vento Services can help:

Integral Youth Services has partnered with Klamath Falls City and County School Districts to identify students living in transitional situations not deemed appropriate for night time residency. The McKinney-Vento Act was created as a way to ensure all children are given equal opportunity to a fair and just education.

The purpose of the IYS McKinney-Vento Program is to meet the needs of at risk youth and ensure equal access for all students. IYS accomplishes this goal in the following ways:

  • Enrolling in school
  • Providing Personal Hygiene Items as available
  • Access to our Clothing Closet
  • Access to school liaisons which can help arrange transportation and help with school fees
  • Refer Students and Parents to resources in the community for counseling, medical/dental care, food, housing
  • Help families navigate how to access community resources such as filing out applications and following up with appointments.

Liaisons are trained to visit schools regularly, monitor attendance, and help advocate for kids with excessive missed days. The students and their parents work with the Liaisons on a regular basis to ensure that all needs are met and that all kids are taken care of. The goal of this program, and of the Liaisons is to ensure equal opportunity, and IYS wants to see the kids of the program succeed. 

If you are in need of McKinney-Vento services, please reach out to your school liaison, or call us at (541)882-2053.

Mobile Hub Schedule

Current schedule subject to change; continue to check our website and social media @IYSKIDS for updates as driving conditions and state protocol develop.

Reach The Mobile Hub directly at (541)591-2458

Rural Resources