7 Tips our staff wish they knew before their first child
Having a child is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. For first-time parents, there are many things that may come as a surprise – from the physical and emotional toll of labor to the daily routine changes needed for raising a newborn. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the things that our staff have collectively wished they had known before having their first child. We’ll look at how to prepare mentally and physically for parenthood, what new parents should know about sleeping patterns and routines, and tips on handling common parenting issues and parental self-esteem. Through sharing our collective wisdom and knowledge on all aspects of caring for an infant, together we can make sure no parent has to go into parenthood feeling unprepared!
Once you have a child, there’s no turning back
Having a child is one of the most life-altering decisions a person can make. Once you enter parenthood, there’s no turning back; it’s an irrevocable commitment to loving and caring for another human being. In this blog post, we will be discussing what happens when you have a child and how this changes your life in both big and small ways. From financial considerations to emotional bonds, having a child brings with it plenty of rewards as well as challenges that must be faced head on. This blog post aims to provide insight into the joys and difficulties associated with making the momentous decision of having children.
You ARE a good parent
As a parent, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day challenges of raising a family and lose sight of the fact that you are, indeed, doing an amazing job. Despite the pressures and expectations placed upon us as parents, there is no denying that we all have our own unique ways of parenting. This blog post will discuss why being yourself as a parent is enough; you ARE a good parent! Many times parents feel like they need to do more or that they’re not measuring up. Our tip is to find a network of other families with similar experiences that can help you guide through parenting. Through exploring stories from other parents and research on positive parenting techniques, readers will come away feeling empowered and encouraged about their abilities as a parent.
Balancing your work and homelife is hard
Balancing work and homelife can be a difficult task. In today’s world, it is increasingly common for people to feel overwhelmed by the demands of both their professional and personal lives. However, with some planning and dedication, you can find ways to make sure that you are getting the most out of both your career and family life. Some strategies we have found for managing this stress include taking walks, bringing youth to the park, getting involved in parent groups, and taking time to simply enjoy being a part of your family. Setting time aside daily to be able to check in with your children, and spend quality time is an easy and productive way to still have a work-home life balance.

There’s no such thing as being “off duty” when you have kids
Parenting is a 24/7 job. Even when we’re “off duty” and trying to take a break, our kids can keep us on alert with their needs or demands. Many of us find that there’s just no such thing as being truly “off duty” when you have children. Whether it’s late at night or even during the day when you need to get things done, parenting often requires parents to remain vigilant and responsive. This doesn’t mean parents can’t have a night out or a nap once in a while, but our tip is to be aware of what is going on with your children, who is watching them, and how to respond in case of an emergency.
Guiding your child actually does work
When it comes to raising children, parents often find themselves in a difficult position. On one hand, they want to provide their child with the opportunity to develop independence and make decisions for themselves. On the other hand, there is still an urge to guide them so that they can make wise choices as they grow up. The question is: does this guide actually work? In our experience, yes. Children will grow their own independence as they grow up, but with the guidance of their parents they will hold family values from a very young age. Guiding your child can lead to positive outcomes and it’s important for parents to take an active role in their child’s development. When done correctly, guiding your child really does work! Our tip is to decide what values you feel are important to share with your child, set a positive routine at an early age, and help them understand what is right and what is wrong. The most important thing to keep in mind, is that the guidance you do with your child at a young age will follow them through the rest of their lives.
Choose your words carefully when speaking with your child
When speaking with your child, the words you choose are incredibly important. Not only do they help shape your child’s understanding of communication and its purpose, but they can also have a major influence on their emotional development. That is why it is so essential to speak consciously and thoughtfully when communicating with them. It’s important to create an environment where open dialogue thrives and everyone feels heard. Our biggest tip is to choose your words carefully when discussing things with your children in order to foster positive conversations that promote learning and growth. Power of language is important to understand when developing relationships between parent and child, and having an understanding for what language to avoid vs. what to use can help parents avoid common pitfalls that can lead to misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

You’ll always see your kid as being better than other kids
It can be hard for a parent to not view their own child as being the best. After all, all parents want what’s best for their children and it is only natural to have feelings of pride when your child succeeds. However, it is important to remember that you should never compare your kid with other kids or put them on a pedestal in an effort to boost their self-esteem. This can lead to negative consequences in their social growth with others, however there are healthy ways you can help foster self-esteem in your child without resorting to comparisons. Our tip is to build an understanding that your child isn’t going to be perfect at everything, and there might be others that are better, and that is okay. Encouraging and reinforcing positive inflection moments while helping them develop personally will help your child understand that they are heard, and takes the stress off of trying to be perfect while encouraging them to work towards a goal.

Having a child is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also be intimidating without the right preparation and advice. In this blog post, we explored some of the things that our staff wished they had known before having their first child. From understanding what to expect in terms of sleep deprivation and lifestyle changes to developing patience and learning how to prioritize your time, these are all important points for parents-to-be to consider. We hope that by reading through these tips and insights from experienced parents you feel more prepared for welcoming your new little one into your life! Now’s the time to start gathering supplies, making plans with family or friends who will help support you during this exciting journey ahead. Good luck, and if you ever need help, find us at integralyouthservices.org